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Do Not Keep Your Head in the Clouds and Miss This Cloud-Infused Exhibit

Image for Do Not Keep Your Head in the Clouds and Miss This Cloud-Infused Exhibit

Clouds have played a variety of roles as a visual element in the arts of Asia across time. As a stylized motif, clouds have often functioned as a framing device, an interstitial motif, or compositional boundary in paintings. Clouds also form the basis of the Crow Collection of Asian Art’s newest exhibit, Jacob Hashimoto: Clouds and Chaos. See it in person on Tuesday, November 13th at 10:00 a.m.

This exhibition's central work, Nuvole (2006-2018) - which literally means clouds - explores formal traditions and looks at how clouds can function as divisions of space while still serving as the apotheosis of ethereal formlessness. Like clouds of our digital age, Hashimoto's sculpture shows how there is much to be found in both the intricate detail of minute components and the large-scale meanings that can result from their accumulation.

Nuvole is joined by a selection of Hashimoto's woodblock and intaglio works in Gallery IV. Created over the last three years in collaboration with Durham Press in Pennsylvania, these works are now being exhibited for the first time in a U.S. museum. They are combined with several wall works from the artist's own collection. These graphic works illustrate the range and depth of Hashimoto's work, and point to the generative and collaborative relationships and creative conversations that have occurred between artists over time.

See things from a different perspective at this thought-provoking exhibition, now on view through April 2019. Museum admission is free, but donations are welcome.

We know you love your home at Oxford at Crossroads Centre Apartments in Waxahachie, Texas, but it’s important to stay active and involved in your community. Attending this event is the perfect chance for you to journey outside your comfort zone to meet new people and seek new opportunities.

Event Time/Date:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018—10:00 AM

Event Venue Location:
Crow Collection of Asian Art
2010 Flora Street
Dallas, Texas 75201

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